How to get on 707's route walkthrough (Deep Story).How to get on Jumin's route walkthrough (Deep Story).How to get on Jaehee's route walkthrough (Casual Story).How to get on Yoosung's route walkthrough (Casual Story).How to get on Zen's route walkthrough (Casual Story).We've recently added a guaranteed walkthrough on how to get to V's route, as Cheritz has said a second route is coming to Another Story mode sometime in early 2018. We don't mess about teaching you how to get on character routes on these pages! The pages below will walk you through from the Prologue to the end of Day 4, giving you the precise answers you'll need in each relevant chat so you can get on the character route you want to lock in. How to get a specific character route in Mystic Messenger V route chat times schedule Days 5-11 (Another Story).707 route chat times schedule Days 5-11 (Deep Story).Jumin route chat times schedule Days 5-11 (Deep Story).Jaehee route chat times schedule Days 5-11 (Casual Story).Yoosung route chat times schedule Days 5-11 (Casual Story).Zen route chat times schedule Days 5-11 (Casual Story).Another Story chat times schedule Days 1-4.Casual and Deep Story chat times schedule Days 1-4.We've divided the chat times schedules by Story Mode (for the pre-character route days) and by character route (for Day 5 and beyond) as appropriate. This is your best option for planning your day and when you'll check in with the game, without exposing yourself to spoilers.

If you just want to know what time your favourite pretty will be keen to talk so you can win their favour and lock in their character route, these pages gives the timing for every chat.

Covers Casual, Deep and even Another Story modes. Contains slight, unavoidable spoilers for email content. The correct replies you’ll want to enter in order to guarantee RSVPs to Mystic Messenger’s endgame party you'll want at least ten complete RSVPs to unlock the best endings, and the correct answers aren't always obvious. Mystic Messenger email guide: Casual, Deep and Another Story.
This will equip you with a full understanding of the Hearts and HG currencies, the save and load systems, how the chat and email systems work, and much more. In this guide we explain how to play Mystic Messenger, and set you up to solve it on your own, with the minimum amount of spoilers.